Maqsood Rehman donated 50 GBP
United KingdomWe salute your courage and motivation.
Ali ur Rehman Jan Asar Khan donated 50 GBP
QatarMy Kaptaan you have over done on your part, your first priority must be your life and good health. We don't want anything more from you. You have exposed the real enemy of Pakistan bravely. Thank you Almighty Allah bless you with long and healthy life.
Syed Najeebullah donated 1000 USD
United StatesPlease use funds for all the PTI shaheed workers & those workers fighting for the Freedom of Imran Khan and true Freedom of Pakistan
Khalid Chaudhry donated 5000 USD
United StatesIt's very hard earned money so please spend wisely on the right cause.
Sajida Hussain donated 100 GBP
United Kingdomاللہ الحق ھے۔۔ With you Khan
Maria Ali donated 25 GBP
CanadaOur prayers are with you, inshaa Allah you will succeed. May Allah give you long life with health ameen.
Hayat Rab Nawaz donated 30 GBP
SpainAllah khan ko isteqamat de.Amin
Saeed Ahmad donated 50 USD
United StatesStay safe and strong sir. Ameen
Raja Sajjad Ahmad donated 50 GBP
SpainWe love pakistan We love imran khan
Saeed Ahmad donated 50 USD
United StatesPlease stay safe and strong sir. Ameen